Thursday, March 29, 2007


Many people come and go in your life, but only few who left footprints in your heart... (Anonim)

Satu lagi sobat yang memutuskan untuk pergi.
Setelah hanya satu bulan yang lalu, seorang sobat lain juga berkemas dan tak pernah berpaling

I was not surprised though, I know this moment will come sooner or later, it's just a matter of who will be the first to make the decision.
Still, I cannot help myself feeling hollow inside, the emotion was so mixed up, I just stared blankly when I heard the news.

But for sure, I feel a bit SIRIK sama mereka.
I wish I could have that privilege, to just pack my things and leave.

(Hmmm.. fotonya gak tajem yak. Yg depan itu Ferdy (Resigned last feb), dan yang baju biru kotak2 itu Dipa. Sebenernya mereka lebih ganteng aslinya looh)

Teluk Dalam. March 29. 2007

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